Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Birthday Highs and Lows

So its my officially bday this Sunday, i will be embarking on my last year of my twenties....as always a time for deep reflection...like what have accomplished in the last year... in my life.....is this where is saw myself at this age?  Well actually no....I kinda thought i'd at lease be married by now...seeing as i'm not even close..its leaving me slightly panicky.  However where  I lack in the romance department which lets get serious is no newsflash...its not my forte, never has been....I have the love of some pretty amazing friends.  (I fell like this should be 2 paragraphs...Bobbi is reading and agreeing)

Last week I had a joint bday bash with Bobbi at the Spoke Club.  I was at first kinda bummed cuz alot of my friend couldn't make it.  However it was short lived as i realized that the people that did take the time out of their busy schedule are amazing friends and humans beings....xoxo you know who you are.

This Sunday i'm heading up to my bosses chalet in Blue Mountain (fav place in whole world) for some skiing, drinking, wii playing and all around good times. 

So maybe i'm not where i'd envisioned myself last year this time or perhaps 10 years ago.  But i can say this...i'm happy(unless im sad for some dumb reason) i have friends/family who love me, my health, a roof over my head, food to eat, alot of cloths, a job and a car to drive.  Not many on this planet can say that....i feel truly blessed:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Pointless Cash Grab Day!

I would like to start of by saying that my bitterness is not the cause of my hatred for this day.  I just think it is silly that if you love someone one, that you have to tell them via an over priced card with flowers or choclates on a specific day of the year.  Shouldn't the "I love you's" be said daily and if not said small gestures of love...that don't cost money.  Nothling like saying I love you with diamonds then cheating on you behind your back...

I have 3 memorable experiences with Vday...all not good or rather uncomfortable:

1. Grade 7 a guy that had a crush on me decides to send me 10$ worth of candy grams (@25cents a pop that was huge for grade school)  I ended up being the person with the most in the  whole school...which you would think would be  an achievement however i got teased out the ying yang...and proceed to yell at the guy who sent them to me.  I have residual guilt over that situation he is now a gay dentist in Poland....

2.  My first real bf gave me a Low Fat cook book for vday  ...hint hint

3.  Then there was my ultimate fav...Mr. Im going to take my "girl friends" (friends that happen to be girls) out for dinner instead cuz they are single.....yeah that means..."i don't want to date you anymore but i have no balls to break up with you so i'll be a shit head and you can break up with me"...which is what i did and then cried about it to the Low Fat Cookbook guy:(

Useless Yet Interesting Fact:

Canadians spend on average 1 Billion $ on vday every year.  Um people are dying around the world...and this is a priority?


St. Valentine is turning in his grave..he and apparently many others with the same name who died for God did not do so, so that we can have an excuse to eat chocolates  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day#Historical_facts    just sayin....

However if you are gleefully in love and enjoy this day...go ahead.

I got a chocolate bear from a married man in my office who took pitty on my sorry ass.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sick Again....wtf

I must have a horrible immune system.  I was feeling under the weather yesterday thinking it was a slight hangover from casually sipping CC while skiing with the boys (it was bloody cold and the booze was needed).  However hangover it was not but a sinus infection...my head may explode.  However I am treating my sick self to a nice massage. 


I like to eat so I was very excitted to see a new food joint opened up in the base of my office building. "Spring Box Kitchen"  Looked good and super healthy ...however pricey.  But i'm willing to pay a bit more for quality.  I got a Yucatan Wrap with chicken and bean/corn salsa...sounds delish...but it was not. So disappointed:(  So i made up for my disappointment by having a greasy spoon breakfast.  I ate bacon again and felt bad for my pig friends.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chilling with Alejandro

Its Thursday night...and i'm sitting by my computer attempting to do my reading for tmrws class which I think i may not do so well in after i indirectly called my Tutorial Leader (who marks everthing) a lazy hippy....Whatevs we were having a debate over the actions of the Police during the G20 Summit and I had to argue for being pro the police force (which i wasn't cuz they acted like a bunch of steroid raged juice monkies).  Anyhoo while trying to find valid reasons why the Police force acted the way they did for the spirt of the debate i got on a rant that went something like "this would't be a problem if the hippies just stayed home"  WELL later found out she was one of the hippies...OOOPS.  SO yeah no modivation here.  Its too cold for the gym....and i've watched so much Vampire Diaries latley that its not healty. 

Dear Hot Vampire: You are welcome in my home any day..or nite.

I don't want to do anything! Im such a demotivated blob...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cooties and Creeps

So its been a while..but i have a doctors note.  I was so sick last week...flu followed by an upper respitory tract infection that I got as a result of not chilling out when I got the flu. While I was supposed to be resting I was working with the most annoying clients.

1. Mr. Artsy Fartsy Ad Exec who wants a place NOW NOW NOW...so I slave in a semi-lucid state looking for places for him only to have him email me saying he is going to be very busy for a couple weeks.."lets revisit then"

2. Mr. Divocred Terroist Millionaire who I only took on as a favour for the Ex who I'm no longer speaking to however I still feel compelled to keep my end of a promise for.  (DOORMAT I KNOW)  This client is unreal he needs a condo to rent for his 36 year bro who is a lazy fuck and doesnt want to work cuz his fiance dumped him 5 years ago and hes depressed....Somehow in the process of showing him condos he goes on to tell me about his tragic love life and how his wife left him and took his persian rugs and sold them on ebay for 1/10 the price and hes a good guy and a workoholic...  I was able to do my own pysco-analysis on him in like 5min....so bacically your a workoholic who is never home who married a pretty goldigger who you expected to stay at home and pop out your kids while you are out all the time making money...sounds like a dream ..your right what a bitch!

Then he goes on to ask  questions about me and since i'm a bad liar i usually wear an enfakement ring to showings so i don't even get asked the "are you single"question.  Well I forgot it....and he asked and I couldn't lie and then he asked me out and I said no, but he didn't listen...and now im in a pickle of situation....and i just want to send my ex the creepy email I got from this dbag the next day and tell him to deal with it. *sigh*

Now I have to write a petition letter to YorkU....they screw up my exam and I have to beg for forgivness...once i'm done taking this bs degree and i finally get that overpriced paper letting the world know i can learn....i think i will burn it!

I watched Steel Magnolias last night balled my eyes out...then couldn't sleep cuz i kept crying...it was rather annoying.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Confused and Disturbed...REALLY?

Do you ever feel like your from another Planet? I DO EVERYDAY! Maybe becuz I think differently...or for that matter I am always thinking about something...and I am still that small child that wants to why about everything at the age of 28.  Do others find this weird and standoffish (is this a word) SEE...im gonna google that later.  I am naturally curious and i suppose that makes me somewhat intelligent because i retain usless knowledge daily...does this make me unattractive to the opposite sex? Is it because the opposite sex is naturally less intelligent OR that I am not clever enough to pretend i am dumb so that the dumber and more insecure sex will be attracted to me? .....Look how many questions I just asked in one small paragraphs...Welcome to my brain...it never stops...i wish i can tell it to shut up:(

Last night I had a great girls night, shopping followed by steaks and mojitos and random gangster club.
I did alot of observing...first at Victoria Secret the older slighly less attractive business man buying his  mistress some lacy thing...I made sure to make him feel akward by starting at him...so did Bobbi.

Then at the Keg a supposed Raptor walked in with what looked like his flav of the week...which Bobbi learned in the bathroom that she flew in from Texas to see him.  Now he may have been upset cuz his shitty team lost that nights game...but the guy was a)checking Bobbi out b)on his bb the whole time c)had his back to the girl watching a game on the tv.  I felt kinda mad for her....but she was throwing her self on this dude that not for anything if he wasn't abnormally tall and an nba player would be an average dude...vanilla nothing special.

Then after a rather smelly cab ride we ended up at some rando jazz club..but then they closed...then at some dungeon club filled with TO gansters....I was concerned for our safety when we were frisked upon entry...thinking id be the only white girl in there but to my suprise the girls from the strip club next door made an appearence...i felt slightly less out of place as they were drunk out of their minds trying to grind up on every guy...with such horrible rythem i was embaressed and almost felt the need to show them how its done...but decided against it.

All in all great night!

Ps: Standoffish is a word:)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year / Man with the Pearl Earring

And i'm back.  Sitting at work eatting some blue berries being super productive...its really hard getting into the swing of things after two weeks of vacay.  Anyhoo such is life and a new year is here and i'm determined (like most people in the first week) to make the most of it.  Starting with a massive detox after my glutinous behaviour in Poland that made me gain some weight...its excpected when your eatting lard with bacon bits on a hunk of rye bread daily...its delicous!

 So my condo is a weird hodge podge of people...mostly old geriatrics...some immigrant families...some singles...and then as always some weirdos.  Like the gay couple on the 16th floor...pictures two large "Bears"...and they have a pet "Twinke" (Hope im getting all the gay terminology right) who wears a colar and they have him a lease....I find it strange but accept is..however it is amusing to watch the fresh off the boat Eastern Euros react ...or the little old ladies...makes my elevator ride some times.
Now lately is the Man with the Pearl Earring on the 14 th floor.  Again big huge guy..gets in the elevator each morning wearing manly cloths..looks like he may be in construction...HOWEVER he has one dangley pearl earring in his ear.  See even if it was a stud...i would say weird cuz even the guidoest of guidos will not wear pearls.  Anyhoo i haven't figured out weather he is a crossdresser who just forgot to remove all his womenly attire..or perhaps he lost a bet with his wife and he had to go to work with on of her earrings on...not sure yet, but ill keep you posted:)