Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pigs and Hippies

It seems like everyday that i drive to work on Lake Shore Blvd...NO MATTER what time I am stuck next to the pig i look over they are sticking out their pink snouts thru the holes provided for air.....and i feel like they are saying "Hi pls dont eat bacon"...ahhhh i love bacon ( i had some on the weekend)  ... if i was Jewish this guilt wouldnt exist..however being polish i was raised on lard and bacon fat...its just so delicious:(
Tuesday i was driving downtown on my way to Eaton Centre...and noticed there was a protest going on....bunch of birkenstock wearing hippies yelling something i couldnt quite understand..and about 30 pay duty cops.  I later found out they were protesting banks....Stupid, Random and sooooooo futile. "Bo banks suck...well if u didnt waste you time being ritious and actually worked maybe you wouldnt have such a big problem with them....oh i later found out from a friend and bank worker that they received a company memo that day about the hippies and that they are "peaceful hippies however are planning on making noise with pots and pans" for wasting our tax dollars...GET A JOB!

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